First headsup was D.N. Jha (Indian in the US text row resolved by Indian) linking up with Michael Witzel and Friends of South Asia.
Another came from page 2 of the article
Giving a hint of the Aryan origin debate in India, Jha asked the court not to fall for the "indigenous Aryan" claim since it has led to "demonisation of Muslims and Christians as foreigners and to the near denial of the contributions of non-Hindus to Indian culturegot me thinking whether this guy (DN Jha) resolved the text row or is he helping the Marxist - Friends of South Asia (FOSA) peddle the Aryan Invasion Theory in the garb of 'secularism'? While checking on D.N. Jha's columns' on Outlook India , he comes out as an Useful Idiot.
most dangerous Useful Idiot is the “Politically Correct.” He is the master practitioner of euphemism, hedging, doubletalk, and outright deception.
Hindu American Foundation (HAF) response to the ToI article.
One cannot help but feel dissappointed with Times of India which has made a habit of distorting facts to suit their agenda. Would the ToI respond? I doubt it.D.N. Jha did file an affidavit as part of an amicus curiae (friend of the court) brief filed by the self-proclaimed Marxist-communist group, “Friends of South Asia” (FOSA). However, Judge Partick Marlette of the California Superior Court rejected the brief outright, as it lacked merit and relevance.