The Congress on Monday hit back at BSP chief Mayawati for her allegation that Rahul Gandhi takes bath with a "special soap" after his visit to Dalit homes, saying she was "jealous" and "scared" of the "extremely successful" visits of the young leader.
"I might not use such language as some other person or party. They are jealous and scared of the extremely successful visits of Rahul Gandhi," AICC spokesman Abhishek Singhvi told reporters.
"Instead of shedding crocodile tears for such groups, Rahul Gandhi has shown true concern for them," he said.
In a new low in the war of words with Congress, the UP Chief Minister claimed that Gandhi takes bath with a "special soap" after his visits to Dalit homes.
"I don't want to react in the same idiom and make the same choice of words which have been used because I don't believe in this. I believe that in democracy there must be dignity of discourse," Singhvi said.
He said if Gandhi's "extremely successful" 'yatras' is causing alarm and "stomachache" to someone or some political party, then "I could only say it reflects their own inherited insecurity and does not have anything to do with Rahul Gandhi, who in a very candid, sincere, and an open person."
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